Monday, October 5, 2009

Crammed Classes

At a Glance:
Who: LBCC staff and students
What: Crammed classes
When: Fall term 2009
Where: LBCC
Why: Staff lay-offs and student increase

This year students are finding it hard to get into the classes they need due to the increase in students at LBCC. The staff at LBCC is doing everything within their power to help students get into classes, even if it means denying cost of living increases and cramming more students in their classrooms. After talking with Peter Jensen, an English teacher here at LB, he said it’s the worst year he’s seen in his career “this years staff voted to give up cost of living increase to save the jobs of other teachers.” With such a huge increase in students and a major decrease in staff members it’s hard to accommodate all the students. Most people seem hopeful and think that this problem won’t last long. Freshman Courtney Hogan commented “I’m sure over time things will get better and that they will create more classes.” In addition Jensen thinks it will take awhile but we will get out of it.

I chatted with Danny Aynes of Enrollment Services to see what his thoughts were. He shared that there a lot of older students this year “so many are coming back and trying to start fresh, they are starting lower so they can get a better degree.” Seeing as that’s the case most of the developmental classes such as writing, reading, and math are filling up the quickest. Also Aynes says that the most important classes are study skills and time management.

I’ve noticed that there are a lot of mixed feelings about waitlists as well. Freshman Hogan states, “I’m not on any of them, but for anyone who is it’s probably really frustrating to just sit and wait.” Aynes told me that the waitlist are limited by technology and it could be better. He also adds “the staff wants kids in class, even if you’re on the waitlist try and get in.” If you show up and you’re on the waitlist, most of the staff will let more students take the class. However thats not always the case, Jensen commented “some classes I may add two or more but others like writing 227 there are only 25 computers so we can only allow 25 students.”

In addition there are some class alternatives for a few classes. If your not an English major you can take any introduction class, but with writing classes your stuck with what you have to take and may have to put it off till next term. Also if you don’t get the classes you need this term just make sure to look into early sign ups for next term. The staff wants to see you finish here rather than some where else, so show up even if your wait listed. Although it may not be available to you now if your a first term student just know that you can sign up early later on when it’s more crucial for you to get you credits and graduate.

If you have any questions or are looking for more information, you can either call the LBCC Admissions office at (541) 917 4822 or email Danny Aynes in Enrollment Services at

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